I have been practicing design for 20 years, with experience in product, consulting, education, and marketing.
I believe that products are best measured by the success of their users.
I work to bring teams together, to empower and delight users.
My stregnths.
Interaction Design
Built with is always better than built for, and product experiences are empty without observation and iteration to improve macro and micro moments.
Bringing people together, harnessing the collisions of every idea that can be pulled out of their heads, and aligning on the best of what we can do together.
Seeing the big picture, and plotting the right course. Breaking down complex concepts into understandable ideas. Plastering it on the wall and collaboratively making a plan of action.
Today, I lead innovation at DevFacto, built on the DevFacto Innovation Framework.
Previously, I worked on conversational experiences & tools at Intuit.
While the surfaces of conversational user interfaces are lean or invisible, the complexity behind the scenes is mind boggling. The technology required to craft these experiences is still being imagined and built, because for the first time ever we’re asking the machines to speak our language.